Baked Oatmeal Breakfasts
Author: Megan Quigg
Photographer: Emily Kim
Sometimes it feels like there’s nothing that can motivate you to get out of bed and start the day. One quick fix is a warm, decadent breakfast that features an old, healthy favorite: oatmeal. It’s time to put the rumor that this breakfast icon is mushy and flavorless to rest, and one way to easily combat that is with a convenient, cake-like recipe that can be infinitely altered to satisfy any early-morning appetite. I’ve spent the last year perfecting the perfect baked oatmeal recipe and can confidently say that whichever variation you try will change your life - this breakfast has gotten me out of bed more times than I can count.
Base Recipe Ingredients
½ cup oatmeal
I prefer Quaker Oats, but any brand works
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp chia seeds
This can be replaced with ½ of a banana, but if making this substitution use ⅓ cup milk instead
½ cup milk of choice
Sweetener of choice - 1 tbsp of sugar, 1 tbsp syrup, 2 packets of sweetener
If using banana, cut sugar in half
½ tsp vanilla extract
Add all ingredients into a blender, blend, and pour into lightly oiled bowl
Bake at 325 degrees for 22-25 minutes
If you lightly press your finger on the top of the “cake”, it should leave a light indent but mostly spring back
Confetti Cake
Double Chocolate: roughly 2 tbsp cocoa powder, chocolate for garnish
Peanut Butter and Chocolate: 2 tbsp peanut butter powder / 1 tbsp cocoa powder
Confetti Cake: technically no added dry ingredient, but I add protein powder or a little bit more oatmeal to maintain balance in the recipe
Sprinkles highly recommended, but not necessary
Pumpkin Spice: ½ tsp pumpkin spice seasoning, ½ tsp cinnamon, optional protein powder / more oats
For this I add ¼ cup pumpkin puree and decrease milk to ⅓ cup
Peanut Butter and Chocolate
Double Chocolate
Pumpkin Spice
My absolute favorite of the aforementioned moderations is double chocolate - the combination of the melted chocolate and the rich, warm cake is truly divine. I love dark chocolate, so my go-to square is Ghirardelli’s Intense Extra Dark. It’s important to remember that this breakfast is good for body and soul; thus, measure and choose ingredients that will make your heart and belly feel full. Need some fresh fruit in your life? Add some blueberries and bake. Feeling like a little extra chocolate is in order? Add a square of your favorite bar on top. The options are endless!