Quarantini Cocktails to make your quarantine a blast

Author & Photographer: Rylen Sigman

Editor’s note: This article has been revised to better promote safe and healthy drinking habits.

Hi, I’m Rylen. I’m 21, I’m a college student, and I haven’t physically left my house in over a week. Turns out my parents have a pretty fun stash of liquor though, so we’ve been experimenting. Here are three quarantini recipes you can make from ingredients you find in your house (or your parents’ liquor cabinet). Stay safe, stay healthy, and enjoy responsibly!

If you find…

Your Dad’s Whiskey:

You can make a Whiskey Lemonade!



  • 1 shot whiskey (I found some fancy rye whiskey from when my dad was pretending to be “a whiskey guy”, but you can use any kind you have)

  • 1 teaspoon honey

  • 1 teaspoon water

  • Lemonade (due to lack of ingredients, I used an instant powder mix)

  • Ice

  • Sprig of herbs (My mom grows verbena so I snagged some leaves, but this is totally optional and just for looks)


  1. Stir the honey and water together until dissolved. 

  2. Add the honey mixture and whiskey in the bottom of your glass and stir.

  3. Fill the glass with ice. 

  4. Add lemonade to the top. 

  5. Garnish with leaves; stir and enjoy!

Your Mom’s Chocolate Liqueur (or any flavored liqueur that could go with milk):

You can make an Alcoholic Chocolate Milk! 



  • 1-2 shots of chocolate liqueur (I used Godiva brand)

  • Milk of choice (I used almond milk for all my fellow lactose intolerants)

  • Cinnamon

  • Ice

  • Chocolate cookie stick (optional and just for fun!)


  1. Fill your glass with ice.

  2. Add chocolate liqueur (as much as you want, really. It tastes good)

  3. Fill glass with milk.

  4. Sprinkle cinnamon on top. Add a chocolate cookie stick; stir and enjoy!

Your Own Flavored Rum or Vodka Leftover from the Last Party You Ever Threw:

(or if you’re at home with your parents, the clear alcohol that’s been half-diluted with water from who knows when)

You can make an Ambiguous Tropical Drink!*


*I say ambiguous because I used kombucha to make this (perks of living with health nut parents), but that is both a rare ingredient and an acquired taste. You can really use any fruit juice you have!


  • 1 shot of coconut rum (or any tropical flavored liquor you have)

  • Sparkling water (I used lemon flavored)

  • Kombucha (or fruit juice; I used cranberry flavored kombucha)

  • Ice

  • Lime wedge (optional)

  • A couple verbena leaves (again, I’m lucky to have this at home. It’s totally optional)


  1. Fill your glass with ice.

  2. Add a shot of rum/vodka/whatever. 

  3. Fill your glass halfway with kombucha.

  4. Top it off with seltzer.

  5. Optional fancy step: drop in the lime wedge and rub the verbena leaves around the rim of your glass, then muddle and add to the drink. This adds a nice tart flavor!

  6. Stir and enjoy!

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